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Consulting Services 




Anhembi Morumbi University

Professor of Computer Science

02/2016 - July/2017

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked in São Paulo Brazil on the evening period like a University Professor of Computer Science Area at the Anhembi Morumbi University, teaching classes for the course of Computer, Systems Information and Computer Engineering in the following subjects:
Graduation Course:
- Quality and Software Testing (Test Plan and Test Cases)
- Systems Modeling (UML)
- Design and Database Administration (Oracle)
- Software Engineering (Scrum)
- Database System (Oracle SQL)
- Programming Database (Oracle PLSQL)


Ibirapuera University

Professor of Computer Science

08/2015 - 01/2016

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked in São Paulo Brazil actuating like Professor of Computer Science Area to Ibirapuera University. I did teach in the evening period for the Computer Science Course the following subjects:

Graduation Course:  
- Programming Language (C/C++)
- Object Oriented Programming (Java JSE)


Uninove University

Professor of Computer Science

02/2009 - 07/2015

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked in São Paulo Brazil and I was a Professor of Science Computer Area at UNINOVE University. I worked during the evenings teaching to Information Systems and Computer Science courses in the following subjects:

Graduation Courses: 
-    Software Engineering (UML),
-    Management and SQL Language for Databases (SQL Server and Oracle),
-    Programming for Databases (PL/SQL),
-    Data Structures (C/C++),
-    Object Oriented Programming (Java JSE)

Subjects in Post-Graduation Courses: 
-    Java JEE (JDBC, JSP, Servlet, Beans, Sessions)
-    Object Oriented Analysis (UML)
-    Design Patterns (Java JSE)


FIAP University

Professor of Computer Science

02/2008 - 07/2008

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked at São Paulo Brazil, actuating like Professor of Computer Science Area on University FIAP. I did teach in the evening period for the Computer Science and Information System Courses in the following subject:
Graduation Course:  
•    Database Administration and SQL Language (Oracle) 


Sumare University

Professor of Computer Science

07/2007 - 07/2008

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked at São Paulo Brazil, from July of 2007 until January of 2008, actuating like Professor of Computer Science Area Sumaré University. I did teach in the evening period for the Computer Science and Information System Course the following subjects:
Graduation Course:  
•    Software Engineering (UML) 
•    Programming Laboratory VI (Java J2SE) 
•    Automata Languages and Compilers
•    Computer Graphics


UNORP University

Professor of Computer Science

02/2003 - 02/2006

Sao Paulo - Brazil

I´ve worked at São José do Rio Preto / SP, in the period of  February of  2003 until February of 2006. My job was professor of science computer department. In the evening period, teaching classes to Information Systems and Science Computer courses on the following subjects:. 

- Graduation:
. DataBases  (SQL Server)
. Software Engeering (UML)
. Data Structure  (C)
. Concurrent Programming (C++)
. Object Oriented Programming  (Kylix, Java)


Microcamp International

Software Instructor

07/1994 - 06/2001

Sao Paulo - Brazil


I´ve worked at São José do Rio Preto / SP, in period of july of 1994 until july of 2001. My job was computer instructor by Microcamp International, teaches some languages of programming and MicroSoft Office package.
